Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy New Year.

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Yeah, I know I'm a little late, but happy new year. It's Sunday, and I really should be at church, but right now I seem to be dividing my time between NBA TV, and the internet. I've really gotta get back to going....I haven't been regularly since like April. Today, I'm waking up to a ridiculous amount of that means that certain shoes I thought about wearing this week will have to go back in their boxes until some of this melts.

I'm pumped about this year shoe wise as far as upcoming releases, and I can't remember the last time I felt this way....there are so many shoes coming out that I want to get. I have more than half of them as OG's, but certain ones are starting to show their Griffey 1's, Bordeaux 7's, and Total Max Uptempos to name a few. Anyone who knows me through shoes knows how much I love Bordeauxs, but there hasn't been any concrete proof that they're supposed to retro. I've also heard that they may bring back the French Blue and Black/Red 7's again as well....but my 2002 pair are still NDS of the Black/Red....I had the French Blues but sold them in 2006 for a nice amount, they were a lil' too snug for me to keep wearing. I'm also pumped for the Air Trainer SC in the OG knicks colorway, OG medicine ball Air Trainer 3, the cement Air Jordan 3 (I can never have enough pairs of them), and the safety orange 95's (even with the black suede mudguard)....those have been some shoes that have eluded me too many times on ebay.

Ashley (SolesistaAsh) and I were talking yesterday and I mentioned how guys beast over her on NT and other sites were both members of and she said that wasn't true and that I have a personal fan club on NT and I had to laugh. I did because there have been so many times where other people have worn the exact same shoe as me(sometimes in worst condition) and got plenty of compliments while I got nothing. I had to hit here with the "Nah, that's you", because on shoe forums, women are always going to get the most attention simply because they're women no matter what they're wearing.

recent pic taken of me.
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I've had to leave eBay alone for awhile because I recently lost to very close auctions for some air max 95's in the Pool and Safety Orange colorways....Nike hasn't released either of these since 1998.

Ashley got to win some though....for a steal. Her showing them off.
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Other than that though, I been working and watching as much basketball as humanly possible. On thursday a bunch of us Ex and a few still current CD/Game Exchange employees and managers got together at this bar on called the Fairmount in Cleveland Heights because Mike Simpson (another former CD/Game Exchange Co of the best managers I've ever worked with)is the bartender and you know what that means.....Drinks for the low.

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I didn't get to take any real pics because I still haven't got a new USB for my camera and with that being said, I don't even know where it is. LOL. It was too dark in there for me to take any pics with my phone. Aric, Amy, Denise, Shantell, her cousin Shatoria, Myself, and Will all were in attendance.

Me and Shantell.
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Me and Will...I know my knuckles/hands are ashy.LoL.
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Me and Amy.
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Me, Aric, and Denise.
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Amy paid for everyone's food and drinks....I guess that was out of guilt.

I also saw this recently......the old job. I guess it's kind of fitting that the C is gone LOL.
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Seeing everyone again was great. It did make me realize how much I miss being in Management. It's hard after being in charge for years to being just a regular employee but eh....hopefully that's just temporary.

The Cavs/Celtics game was awesome, but Everyone around here is pumped that that they're tied with the Lakers for the best record in the NBA. People think I'm a hater, but I always respond back with "It's a long season".

Zarinah's been acting jake the last couple of days, but what's new?
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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